A Call for Donations

We are extremely fortunate to have wonderful staff at our schools working hard every day for our kids. On October 29th at Rowe and October 30th at YES and HMS, we are celebrating Fall Staff Appreciation Days. The PTO, along with help from the community, will be hosting a lunch for the staff members at all three schools.

If you are able to bring in a homemade or store-bought item to donate, please click below to sign up:

10/29 Rowe lunch sign up

10/30 YES lunch sign up

10/30 HMS lunch sign up

We know there are many ways to show appreciation for our teachers and staff and we encourage you to make our teachers feel the love on October 29 and 30th however you can!

If a financial contribution makes sense for your family, please consider clicking below. Direct donations are always appreciated and are crucial in funding PTO programming. Thank you for your support!